Irish dog names are an excellent choice for your pet if you're looking to celebrate your own heritage or your dog's depending on the breed. Many Irish names are common in popular culture, but there's a quite a few you may not have heard before that will definitely help your dog stand out from the canine crowd.
Irish Girl Dog Names
These Irish names for female dogs include many names that are familiar to American ears along with some rarer names more commonly used in Ireland.
Name | Pronunciation (if needed) |
Meaning |
Aisling | ash-ling | dream |
Aoibheann | ee-van | beautiful or radiant |
Bébinn | bay-vin | fair lady |
Blathnaid | blaw-nid | blossom |
Bridget | exalted one | |
Caoimhe | kee-va | beautiful or kind |
Caragh | kara | friend or beloved |
Ciara | kee-rah | dark |
Damhnait | dehv-nawt | fawn |
Dierdre | deer-dra | woman |
Eabha | ey-vah | the Irish version of Eve, means "life" |
Eireann | erin | Ireland |
Eithne | enya | seed or nut kernel |
Fiadh | fee-ah | wild |
Fiona | white and fair | |
Imogen | imma-jen | maiden or innocent |
Kayleigh | kay-lee | slim and fair |
Laoise | lee-sha | radiant girl or light |
Líadan | lee-din | grey lady |
Mairead | mi-rade | pearl |
Moira | moy-rah | fate or destiny |
Naomh | nevh | holy |
Nessa | rough | |
Nollaig | naw-lek | Christmas |
Nuala | noo-lah | fair shoulder |
Orlaith | or-la | golden princess |
Rathnait | ra-net | grace and prosperity |
Roisin | ro-sheen | little rose |
Rowan | ro-en | a type of tree |
Saoirse | ser-sha | liberty |
Shannon | wise river | |
Sinead | shin-ade | God is gracious |
Siobhán | shiv-on | God's grace |
Sláine | slah-nye | health |
Úna | oo-neh | lamb |

Irish Boy Dog Names
If you're looking for a classic Irish name for your male dog, such as fierce Kerry Blue Terrier or a stately Irish Setter, these names will work well for these dogs or any breed.
Name | Pronunciation (if needed) |
Meaning |
Aidan | little fiery one | |
Aodh | ay | fire |
Barry | fair haried | |
Brandon | prince | |
Brian | noble | |
Callum | cah-luhm | dove |
Caolan | keelin | slender |
Cian | kee-an | ancient |
Ciaran | keeran | little dark one |
Cillian | kill-ee-an | war or bright-headed |
Conor | lover of hounds | |
Cormac | son of defilement | |
Darragh or Dara | darra | fertile or oak tree |
Darren | little oak | |
Donal | ruler of the world | |
Donnacha | done-acka | brown-haired warrior |
Donovan | descendent of Donndubhán | |
Doyle | descendent of Dubhghall | |
Énna | ay-na | bird-like |
Eoin | Owen | young |
Fearghal | feer-gal | man of valor |
Fechín | feh-kheen | little raven |
Finnegan | descendent of Fionnagán | |
Kelly | descendent of O'Ceallaigh | |
Kennedy | descendent of Cennétig | |
Liam | warrior with a strong will | |
Lorcan | lore-can | fierce or silent |
Oscar | deer lover | |
Patrick | nobly born and also the name of Ireland's most famous saint | |
Quinn | descendant of O'Cuinn | |
Rian | kingly or little king | |
Rory | rust-colored | |
Ruiari | rory | red-haired king |
Sean | God is gracious | |
Shay | hawk or noble | |
Tiernan | teer-nan | little lord |

Creative Irish Dog Names
Some Irish names are truly unusual and unique. These names for boy and girl dogs will definitely spark conversation! Some creative Irish names for male dogs are:
Name | Pronunciation (if needed) |
Meaning |
Berach | bahr-akh | sharp |
Brádach | bra-dekh | large chested |
Dáire | daw-ra | fertile |
Daithi | da-hee | swift |
Fionnbharr | fyeen-wer | fair hair |
Lonán | luw-nan | little blackbird |
Odhran | orin | little pale green one |
Ronan | little seal | |
Senan | sennin | ancient or little wise person |
Tadhg | tige | poet |
Creative Irish names for female dogs could be some more unusual names that are from early Irish history.
Name | Pronunciation (if needed) |
Meaning |
Ailbhe | al-va | white rock |
Caoilfhionn | keel-een | fair and slender |
Dearbháil | dya-re-wal | daughter of Ireland |
Fianna | fyee-eh-neh | band of warriors |
Mór | mor | great |
Ragnailt | rein-ilt | battle counsel |
Sadb | siev | sweet |
Siofra | shee-freh | elf |
Treasa | tra-sah | strength |

Dog Names Based on Irish Beer and Whiskey
The whiskey and beers of Ireland are world-renowned. These names are from some of the most well-known brands and would make cute names for an Irish breed of dog.
Beamish Boilermaker Bushmills Dingle Guinness Jameson |
Kilbeggan Kilkenny Knappogue Magners Murphys O'Hara |
Powers Slane Smithwick Teeling Tullamore |

Female Irish Dog Names Based on Celtic Mythology
Ireland has a rich folklore and mythology full of heroes, fairies and warrior queens. These names would work well for a female Irish Wolfhound or any "legendary" breed of dog.
Name | Pronunciation (if needed) |
Meaning |
Áine | awn-ye | The Queen of the Munster fairies |
Aoife | ee-fa | A great female warrior who was the mother of the son of the legendary hero Cuchulainn. The name means "radiant" or "beautiful." |
Clíodhna | clee-na | Goddess of love and beauty, and also the Queen of the Banshees |
Eimear | ee-mur | Wife of the great Cuchulainn, the name means "swift." |
Grainne | gawn-ye | Goddess of the harvest, the name means "grain" or "corn." |
Meabh | maeve | The famous warrior queen of Cannacht |
Muireann | mweer-in | A mermaid in legend who was captured by a fisherman. The name means "sea white" or "sea fair." |
Niamh | neev | Daughter of the sea god Manannan, she was known for having beautiful golden hair. The name means "radiance." |

Male Irish Dog Names Based on Celtic Mythology
Some famous Irish gods and legendary heroes make for larger-than-life figures. These can make excellent names for your feisty Wheaten Terrier or other type of dog.
Name | Pronunciation (if needed) |
Meaning |
Bran | A figure in folklore who was a heroic adventurer. The name means "raven." | |
Cuchulainn | koo-hul-in | A famous warrior from Irish legend who was the son of a God. He was also known for his hounds. |
Diarmuid | deer-mid | A member of the warriors "The Fianna" and beloved of the goddess Grainne, the name means "without enemy." |
Fiachra | fee-akh-ra | One of four children in an Irish legend that were turned into swans for 900 years. |
Fintan | fin-tan | In Irish folklore, a person who was the only survivor of a flood. The name means "white fire" or "white bull." |
Fionn | finn | A famous character in Irish legend, Fionn MacColl led The Fianna, a band of warriors. The name means "fair-headed." |
Lir | God of the sea | |
Oison | o-sheen | A legendary hero-poet in mythology, the name means "little deer." |
Finding Irish Names for Your Dog
Irish names may appear hard to pronounce, but most are quite easy to say once you learn how. These dog names come with a rich history behind them and can really express how you feel about your dog and Irish culture, whether you come from it or simply enjoy it!