Looking for a strong German name for your canine companion? Whether you're looking for a name that denotes physical strength, a tenacious nature, or fierce loyalty, there are plenty of great German names for dogs of all breeds and sizes.
50 German Names Meaning Strong or Powerful
If your pooch deserves a German name that translates to strong, powerful, or a related term or concept, consider one of these options.
- Antreiben - Power, propel, or push
- Autorität - Authority or power
- Befugnis - Authority, authorization, or power
- Betreiben - Power, pursue, or carry on
- Drückend - Oppressive, burdensome, or stifling, close
- Dufte - Great, smashing, or heavy
- Eeindringlich - Insistent, forceful, or forcible
- Energie - Energy, vitality, or power
- Energisch - Forceful, strong, or emphatic
- Ernst - Severe, solemn, or stern
- Festigkeit - Firmness, hardness, or steadiness
- Fett - Fat, bold, or fatty
- Gerhard - Strong with a spear
- Gesund - Sound, healthful, or strong
- Gewalt - Force, power, or control
- Gewaltig - Mighty, tremendous, or powerful
- Grob - Rough, heavy, or crude
- Hart - Hard, tough, firm, or strong
- Herrschaft - Dominance, power, or control
- Herzhaft - Substantial and hearty
- Intensiv - Intense, strong, or powerful
- Kraft - force, power, strength, energy, vigor, might
- Kräftig - Powerful, strong, and vigorous
- Kraftvoll - Vigorous, powerful, or forceful
- Leistung - Capacity, performance, or power
- Macht - Power, might, or strength
- Machtbefugnis - Authority or power
- Mächtig - Powerful, mighty, or massive
- Machtvoll - Powerful
- Potenz - Power or potency
- Schlagkräftig - Powerful
- Schwere - Severity, Heaviness, or strength
- Solide - Solid, sound, or sturdy
- Stabil - Stable, robust, or solid
- Stärke - Strenght, force, intensity, power
- Steif - Stiff, rigid, or hard
- Steifheit - Stiffness, rigidity, or hardness
- Streng - Severe, stern, or heavy
- Strom - Current, electricity, or power
- Tief - Profound, deep, or low
- Ubermächtig - Formidable, powerful, or superior
- Uberzeugend - powerful, forceful, or persuasive
- Uberzeugt - Staunch, convinced, strong conviction
- Vermögen - Wealth, power, or ability
- Vollmacht - authority, power, proxy or mandate
- Vorsitzende - Chairperson
- Wirkungsvoll - Telling, effective, or forceful
- Wirksam - Potent
- Wucht - Force, impact, weight, or power
- Wuchtigkeit - Massiveness, bulkiness, or solidness

20 German Names Meaning Leadership or Boss
Effective leaders and supervisors are strong, powerful, and influential. The perfect name for your super-strong dog just might be a word that is used to indicate that a person is in charge or has influence.
- Anführung - Command or leadership
- Aufseher - Overseer, caretaker, or supervisor
- Aufpasser - Watchdog, minder, keeper, or supervisor
- Bundestag - Name of Germany's parliament; members are elected leaders
- Direktor - Director, manager, principal, or governor
- Durchschuss - Leading
- Geschäftsführer - Managing director or manager
- Leiter - Conductor, manager, chief, or leader
- Leitung - Leadership or lead line
- Lenkung - Direction, guidance, guiding, or leading
- Meister - Maestro, champion, or boss
- Regierung - Leadership, reign, or rule
- Schlusstein - Boss or keystone
- Spitzenreiter - Leader, first, top, or front-runner
- Verantwortlich - Leadership, accountability
- Verwalter - Manager, administrator, or trustee
- Vorderste - Foremost, front frontmost, or leading
- Vorsitz - Chairmanship, presidency, or other leadership role
- Wichtigste - Leading, key, or primal
10 German Alcohol Names for Dogs
German liquor is known for its strong flavor and powerful effects, so you just might find that an acohol-related name is a great option for your pooch. Consider one of these boozy names.
- Altbier - German beer with elements of both lager and ale
- Asbach - Part of the name of Asbach Uralt Uralt, a popular German brandy
- Brewmeister - Rougly translates to master (expert) beer maker
- Bock - Fermented German lager
- Dunkel - Dark German lager
- Jägermeister - Strong licorice-flavored liquer often enjoyed in shot form
- Löwenbräu - Popular Munich-brewed beer widely available in the U.S. (now owned by Anheuser-Busch)
- Riesling - Wine from Riesling, Germany; some is sweet and some is dry
- Schnaps - German fruit brandies and some other distilled spirits
- Weissbier - German wheat ale

20 Strong German Names for Boy Dogs
If you're looking for a a manly German name for your male dog, consider one of these monikers.
- Adler - Eagle
- Albert - Noble
- Albrechet - Noble
- Alaric - Nobile ruler
- Alphonse, Ready for battle
- August -Magnificent or great
- Ballard - Warrior
- Dringend - An urgent or pressing matter
- Freund - Male friend
- Fürst - Ruler or prince
- Heinz - Ruler of the home
- Kanzler - Chancellor (masculine form)
- König - King
- Krieger - Brave warrior
- Pater - Father
- Prinz - Prince
- Schlägertyp - Bully boy, goon, or heavy
- Schnurke- Cad or heavy
- Stromer - A german version of rover; means vagrant or tramp
- Urheber - Father

20 Strong German Names for Female
Consider one of these options if you're seeking a strong name that's German in origin for your female dog.
Ada - Nobility
Addie - Nobility
Dame - Queen
Frau - Lady, woman, madam
Freundin - Female friend
Fürstin - Princess
Kanzlerin - Chancellor (feminine form)
Kriegerin - Female warrior
Mutter - Mama or mother
Mütterchen - Mother
Mutterrechtlich - Matriarch
Muttertier - Mother
Oma - Grandmother
Prima - Tremendous, great, or fantastic
Prinzessin - Princess
Trächtig - Pregnant, laden, or heavy
Weiblich - Womanly

Finding the Perfect German Dog Name
These are just some of the countless options you may want to consider when searching for a unique name for your dog. You may even want to consider some creative, clever, or even traditional names for dogs that aren't German in origin. There are plenty of great dog name ideas. No matter what you decide to call your pooch, you're sure to be pleased with the choice you make.