If your precious pooch is going to be a mama, try out these adorable dog maternity photo ideas. You can stage a photoshoot with your dog to announce the upcoming litter to friends and clients.
Mama Plus Daddy Equals...
If you own a distinctive looking breed, you can take a simple photo of your dog and the future pups' dad together and add in a chalkboard drawing of puppies. The key here is making the background simple and keeping the dogs happy during the shoot. Keep these tips in mind:
- Use a plain white sheet or seamless paper background to get the all-white look. If you're using a professional photographer, ask them to light the background for a high-key image.
- Have both dogs sit and stay in the positions your want. Then as you're about to click the shutter button the camera, squeak a toy right over the lens.
- Shoot from a low angle. Think dog eye level for this shot.
Document the Ultrasound
An ultrasound is a big deal in a human pregnancy, but it's also important for your pooch. If your vet is willing, stage a quick photoshoot in the exam room. It's important to make sure your dog is comfortable here, so this will only work for dogs who are at ease at your vet's office. These tips can help make the shot work:
- It's a good idea to talk to the clinic ahead of time, since it might take a few extra minutes to get the photo. Make sure they know your plans.
- Take a look at the lighting in the exam room. Usually, there will be a light pointed at the exam table, but if not, direct one if you can.
- If it will help your dog be more comfortable, get on the table with her. You can both show your pride in the upcoming litter.

What to Expect
You can get a really funny dog maternity photo by posing your dog with the classic pregnancy book, What to Expect When You're Expecting. This shot is actually pretty easy to do, and it's sure to charm everyone who sees it. Here's how to get the photo:
- Have your dog sit comfortably on a footstool or bench with a plain background behind her.
- Get someone to hold the book open in front of your dog, keeping the book low enough to show your dog's eyes above the cover.
- Shoot from a low angle that crops out the person holding the book but shows most of the cover and your dog's face.
- Squeak a toy right over the camera lens to get your dog to look at the right time.

Eating for a Litter
Is the future puppy mama experiencing some pregnancy symptoms like being a little hungrier than normal lately? You can make a hilarious photo by posing her in a chair with some snacks nearby. Try these tips to help:
- Choose a chair with good window light on it. If you need to, drag the chair closer to the window.
- Find a comfortable pose for your dog. It's awesome if you can show off her belly, but the biggest thing to consider is her comfort.
- Bring some snacks out and position them around her. Make sure they are things that won't hurt her if she eats them during the photoshoot.

New Tag for a New Role
Get a simple, adorable, and totally perfect maternity photo of your dog by dolling her up a little and giving her a custom tag with her new role. The tag can say "Mama-to-be," "New Mama," or some other cute phrase that will anounce her upcoming litter. Here's how to get the photo:
- It's best to get a large tag for this shot to make sure it's visible. You can buy a tag at most pet stores or online.
- Dress her in a sparkly bow, tutu, or other adorable fancy outfit to show off the importance of this moment.
- Have her sit comfortable and then make a sound or squeak a toy to get her to look at the camera.

Tips for a Successful Dog Maternity Shoot
Animal photoshoots can always be a bit unpredictable, so start out with a few helpful tips to keep things running smoothly:
- Choose a time when the dog has had plenty to eat and is feeling rested but not too active. If your dog needs a lot of exercise, take her for a walk first to calm her down.
- Plan to take breaks as you shoot. If your dog starts to lose interest or have a hard time sitting still, give her a little time to run around or have a snack.
- Bring along props that might be fun. You can use the ideas above or add in your own. Think custom-stamped dog bones with the puppies' due date, funny doggy t-shirts, and more.
- Always reward the do after a shoot. This should be fun for both of you, and you can show your appreciation with some extra attention or a little treat.
Remember to Have Fun
Pregnancy is a time of change for both of you. A photo is a wonderful way to announce the happy news of your dog's pregnancy. No matter what style of photoshoot you choose to do, the most important thing to remember is having fun.