A handcrafted pet urn can be a far more personal tribute to the passing of a treasured canine companion than any factory manufactured receptacle. The urn can be customized to suit any breed and have a personalized message.
Make Your Own Urn
A do it yourself pet urn can be made using a few basic supplies. Start with a traditional basic urn and then add your own touch to honor your beloved pet.
- 1 urn (any color)
- Black matte spray paint
- Footprint stencils
- Gold paint
- Painter's tape
- Finishing spray
- 1 fine-point paintbrush
- 1 (2") sponge paintbrush
- Wash and dry the urn.
- Lay newspapers out on a flat surface. Place the clean and dry urn in the center. Separate the urn and lid.
- Spray one coat of black matte paint onto the urn and lid. Allow time to dry.
- Spray a second (and third if needed) layer of paint onto the urn and lid.
- Let the urn dry for at least 24 hours or according to instructions on the can.
- Wrap or place the paw print stencils on the urn. Secure in place with painter's tape.
- Dip the sponge paintbrush into the gold paint, allowing excess to drip off, and carefully fill in the stencil lines. You may need a second coat after the paint dries. Keep the stencil in place until you determine whether additional coats are needed.
- While the paw prints dry, wrap the lid with the painter's tape to create the thin edge. Use the fine-point brush to paint gold around the edge and allow the paint to dry. You may need two or three coats.
- Once the gold paint has dried, carefully remove painter's tap and the stencil. Touch up any spots with the fine-point paintbrush as needed and allow the spots to dry.
- Spray the urn and lid with finishing spray according to manufacturer's instructions. Allow it to dry. The urn is now ready for use.
Customization Options
Create a unique pet urn by doing the following to customize:
- Handwrite (or use stickers) the date your pet was born and when s/he died.
- Instead of using paw print stencils, purchase a stencil (or print a silhouette) of your dog's breed to use in the center of the urn.
- Write your pet's name at the top of the urn using stencils or handwriting.
- Use Mod Podge to include a favorite photograph of your pet on the urn.
- Glue your pet's collar around the base of the urn.
- Hang a small ornament or charm from the lid of the urn.
Wooden Pet Urn Options
Some people prefer to use wood for creating a box urn for their pet.
- Canadian Woodworking & Home Improvement has plans for a small wooden maple and walnut urn. The lid has a slight curve to it. The free plans come with a list of supplies, a graphic showing how the pieces go together, and two photo images.
- Rod Johnson's Woodworking Shop features a rectangle cremation urn for pets. These plans are easy enough a young woodworker (with adult supervision) can complete the project. It includes a list of materials, several plan graphics, and photo images of the completed urn.
If you're a visual learner, watching a quick video is the best way to learn how to make an urn for a pet. The clip from Ed Henderson at Heavenly Hardwoods shows how to do it from start to finish. You'll end up with a lovely square box with rounded edges.
Remember Your Pet
A cremated dog can stay with you forever if you place his/her remains in an urn. Making one yourself is a wonderful way to grieve and create a final resting place in your home that was made with love.