Dog shock collars may just be the answer to some of your hard core dog training and nuisance problems. When you can't capture your dog's attention any other way, dog shock collars will make your pet stop and take notice.
The Facts About Dog Shock Collars
Many people have a misconception about what shock collars are and how they really work. This misconception probably stems from movies and television shows where some poor soul winds up wearing a shock collar and being jolted with an exaggerated amount of electricity. In reality, the collars do not deliver anywhere near that level of electrical shock, and some don't rely on electricity at all. Modern shock collars are designed to capture your dog's attention without causing your pet physical pain.
How They Work
The number one nuisance behavior in dogs is excessive barking. While barking is a natural activity, some dogs simply bark all the time, whether at everything they see or simply to gain attention. Dog shock collars are designed to help eliminate this unwanted behavior by providing a negative stimulus each time the barking begins.
Dog shock collars use a sound activated sensor to detect when your dog begins to bark, and then deliver an immediate and unpleasant correction for the behavior. The correction is meant to interrupt the barking and help the dog associate his barking with the unpleasant sensation, thereby teaching him to stop. The sensor is designed to only detect barking from the dog actually wearing the collar, so you can be sure your dog will not receive extra corrections due to other loud noises in his environment.
Types of Dog Shock Collars
Shock training collars are available with different types of correction stimulus. Be sure you are correctly following the instructions and guidelines for whatever type of dog shock collar you choose.
Static collars emit a low level electric shock to your dog when it barks. These collars offer a range of power settings, and it's best to start your dog at the lowest level of shock to see if he will respond appropriately with minimum stimulation. If needed, you can raise the setting one degree at a time to find what will work best for your pet. Even though an electric shock sounds foreboding, it's not as bad as you think. Think about the shock you receive when you walk on carpet and then touch a metal object. That static shock is equivalent to what your dog receives from his collar when he barks.
The citronella collar may appeal more to owners who just can't bring themselves to use a static collar. When your dog barks while wearing this collar, the sensor will emit a spray of citronella near the dog's face. Dogs find this smell very unpleasant and should quickly associate their barking with the unwanted scent, effectively curbing the behavior.
When Not to Use Shock Collars
While the use of dog shock collars is safe and effective, they should only be used on otherwise healthy, sound-minded dogs. Dogs who are already displaying fearful or aggressive behaviors are not good candidates for training with dog shock collars, which may actually reinforce the fear and aggression. The key is knowing which category your pet falls into and acting accordingly.
When the Collar Serves Its Purpose
Dog shock collars are meant to be a training device, not an everyday part of your dog's apparel. Once your dog's nuisance barking has been curbed, you can remove the collar. Your dog may now bark when the need truly arises, but it should no longer bark for the joy of it. If your pet begins to slide back into its old ways, you can simply use the collar again for a day or two to reinforce the lesson.