Gallery of Pit Bull Puppy Images

The pit bull has been greatly maligned, but these pit bull puppy pictures should remind everyone that these dogs start out life much like any other puppy. If they are raised carefully and receive early socialization and training, they have the potential to be wonderful family companions. Enjoy this gallery featuring several pictures of young pit bulls.
Adventuresome and Outgoing

Like nearly any other pup, this blue pit bull puppy has an adventuresome nature and loves to explore his surroundings.
Time for a Nap

Of course, life is not all play for a pit bull pup. This little fellow has burrowed under the blankets for his afternoon nap.
Inquisitive by Nature

Pit bull puppies are also naturally inquisitive, and they want to check out everything within their reach. Here, a puppy seems to be checking out the photographer as he tries to take some pit bull puppy pictures.
Life's More Fun with Friends

Everything is more fun when you have a companion to share it with. These two little pit bulls are having fun playing in a basket.
Playtime Is Important

Pit bull pups also like to play with their human companions. This cute pittie puppy looks like he's hoping someone wants to play a little fetch.
Future Potential

So, what does the future hold in store for this little red nose pit bull? Will he live out his life in the company of a loving family who will provide him with the necessary tools to help him be the best companion he can be? Or, will he fall into the hands of some unscrupulous person who will train him to fight for his life and his owner's financial gain. This is the situation all too many young pit bulls face. Hopefully, this little guy will be one of the lucky pups.
The American Pit Bull Terrier

All American Pit Bull Terriers are pit bulls, but not all pit bulls are American Pit Bull Terriers! "Pit bull" refers to a group of breeds with similar origins and characteristics. American Pit Bull Terrier puppies and American Staffordshire Terrier puppies can look very similar and the differences will start to show as they mature and get bigger.
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Cute Pit Bull Puppy Names

Anyone who's had a pit bull puppy can attest to how silly and adorable they are. They definitely deserve a cute pit bull puppy name to match their personality. A cute name for this puppy could be Bacon, Diesel or Sparty (short for Spartacus!)
Pit Bull Puppies with Blue Eyes

It's not unusual to have a pit bull puppy with blue eyes. With most breeds of dogs, the eyes can be light to deep blue when they're born. With most dogs the eyes will darken and change color as they become adults. Some pit bulls do keep their blue eyes into adulthood though.
Pit Bull Puppies Before and After

It's hard to picture pit bull puppies before and after they grow up when they're very young. Pit bull puppies can be extremely cuddly and adorable compared to their muscular, although often still cuddly, adult versions!
More Pit Bull Information
Learn the facts about pit bulls and decide for yourself if this type of dog is right for you.