Need tips for removing urine odor from puppy fur? We've got some right here.
Puppies, Urine and Fur
There's nothing quite like a new puppy, is there? A cute little bundle of fur and love rolled into one irresistible package. However, there are times when that adorable fluff ball is actually easy to resist: when she smells like pee.
It's a fact of new puppy life, there will be house accidents and your pup is likely to wind up with some of it in her fur. Sometimes it's just her feet, other times she may accidentally sit down in her own puddle. She may even soil her dog bed, giving urine a chance to soak into her fur.
Here lies our problem. Dog fur soaks up urine just like a straw, staining the color and causing a very unpleasant odor. Left unattended, the urine can actually begin to burn your pup's tender skin, so it's best to take action as soon as you notice it's happened.
Tips for Removing Urine Odor From Puppy Fur
The only sure way of removing urine odor from puppy fur is to remove the residual urine. Here are some of our favorite tips.
Give Your Dog a Bath
The very best method of removing urine odor from puppy fur is by giving your pet a complete bath with a mild dog shampoo. The warm soapy water will open the hair shaft and allow the urine remnants to dissolve, leaving your pup as fresh as a daisy once again.
Sometimes it's just not convenient to give your puppy a full bath. At these times, you may choose just to spot-bathe her in the areas you are sure were soiled. Soak just her feet or from the rear quarter down. Then you have less than half a dog to dry.
Pet Wipes to the Rescue
Pet wipes are the next best solution when a full bath isn't possible. They're also a good alternative if your puppy has frequent accidents and her skin is drying out from excessive bathing. Simply wipe down the soiled areas with a fresh wipe. You can even run a clean wipe over Puppy's entire coat to freshen her up.
Self-Rinse and Dry Shampoos
Self-rinsing shampoo can be found in many pet supply stores. The formula is quite thin compared to traditional shampoos and requires no rinsing after use. Simply work it into the urine-soaked fur until a light lather forms, then blot the area with a paper towel and brush. This is usually sufficient in warm weather, but if it's cold, go ahead and give your puppy a quick blow dry so she won't be chilled. This type of shampoo is extremely convenient, and once you try it, you'll want to keep it on hand.
Dry shampoo powders can also help in a pinch, but they don't work quite as well as the previous methods mentioned. The product should be sprinkled into the soiled coat, and worked through it, giving it a few minutes to absorb the urine. Then you brush it back out.
Dry shampoos are actually quite messy, and while they can be a temporary alternative to other ways of bathing, they usually wind up leaving a sticky residue in the coat. At best, they can temporarily mask smells, but they aren't the best solution for removing urine odor from puppy fur.
Cornstarch and Talcum Powder
Much like dry shampoos, both talcum and cornstarch can be used to temporarily soak up urine from your pet's coat. Follow the same method as described for using a dry shampoo, but don't allow your puppy to shake before you've had a chance to brush the powder out or you'll find yourself surrounded in a fine white fog.
When you own dogs, stinky puppies are just part of the game. Luckily, this phase passes, and once potty training is complete and your puppy has full control of those wobbly legs, urine odors will be a distant memory. Just hang in there.